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Abby and Sydney are both competitive. They met each other at Thomas More College (TMC) in Crestview Hills, Kentucky. Abby played softball in middle and high school and a year at TMC. Sydney played volleyball in middle and high school and went on to play four years at TMC. They both graduated with degrees in biology and work as microbiologists in our Micro Lab at BALO.

Two to three nights a week you can find Abby and Sydney on a sand volleyball court. They both play on multiple women and coed teams. It’s how they stay active, have fun and fuel their competitive nature.

“Playing volleyball is a lot more fun than going to the gym,” said Abby. “And it’s an easy way to be active and stay healthy.”

“I’m very competitive and have a lot more energy when I’m active,” said Sydney. “In addition to being something I really enjoy, playing volleyball is a way for me to deal with stress and just get things off my mind.”

And their competitive nature has served them well in their careers. Abby has been with ATL for nearly 10 months and has already moved into a quality control role. Sydney joined ATL five months ago and both focus on learning as much as they can.

“I think having a competitive drive to succeed is one of the reasons I welcome and embrace learning new skills,” explained Abby.

“And, the more I learn, the more confident I become in what I’m doing and when taking on new tasks,” added Sydney.

Their competitive drive to be the best, whether they’re playing volleyball or providing exceptional client service, is a valuable quality they both possess.